4. Manet Routing Protocols

Mininet-WiFi will basically support any Protocol supported by Linux Systems. However, the way that such protocols work can be automated.

For example, we have added B.A.T.M.A.N, OLSR and BABEL in manetRoutingProtocols.py and they can be used as below:

net.addLink(sta1, cls=adhoc, intf='sta1-wlan0',
            ssid='adhocNet', proto=olsr,
            mode='g', channel=5, ht_cap='HT40+')

You can replace _olsr_ by _batman_ and/or _babel_.

Arguments can be set with proto_args. For example, if you want to set the hello interval you can consider the excerpt below:

net.addLink(sta1, cls=adhoc, intf='sta1-wlan0',
            ssid='adhocNet', proto=olsr,
            proto_args='-hint 10',
            mode='g', channel=5, ht_cap='HT40+')

Multiple arguments can also be passed in proto_args.

The list of parameters can be found with the protocol you are using. For example, we found -hint by issuing the olsrd –help command.

4.1. Installing


sudo util/install.sh -B


sudo util/install.sh -E


sudo util/install.sh -O